The Covid-19 Pandemic is making everyone shop online. Even the people who prefer the traditional way of shopping have had to experience online shopping. Even if things return to normal, and who knows when that will be, this is likely to impact consumer behavior significantly.

As a result, advertisers have to make swift adjustments to accommodate this new form of reality. Even brands that traditionally rely on physical sales will have to behave like online enterprises in several ways. There are countless interactions in the digital buying experience, and brands must generate content to attract and engage shoppers at each stage. It puts even more strain on the creation of digital products.

On the other hand, the digital purchasing trip has distinct product lines from the physical retail buying trip, and sellers must cater to them. As a result, e-commerce brands and enterprises, particularly newcomers to the e-commerce industry, should reassess their ad campaigns. Simply said, you will have to generate digital products for your business as a company owner.

Requirement Of Creative Variety For eCommerce Brands

ECommerce initiatives are known for necessitating a large number of creative resources. Let’s explore some of the most prevalent causes of Creative Variety.

Launches of New Products

Creating for eCommerce requires dealing with product details with large numbers of products, perhaps the most apparent variety generator. When a company needs to introduce new products or series of products, its creative team must create fresh materials from the beginning.
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Reacting to Social or Cultural Changes

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the best examples of this category. Imagine being an eCommerce business with a pandemic-related commercial shot in a massive party atmosphere. As social alienation has become the latest trend, this type of narrative would undoubtedly fall flat. The creative team members of an eCommerce should invest in solutions that quickly reuse marketing assets without starting from scratch.

Pressures for Localization

Marketers in the Asia Pacific region are eager to acquire customers outside of their home countries. That entails localizing material not only in terms of language but also in terms of culture. If something works in India, it may not work in America.
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Marketers and creative directors suddenly face a project schedule with thousands of assets when adding different, country-specific media plans calling for different sizes and formats.

Seasonal Promotions

According to a study performed in August 2020, 79 percent of buyers want to see a diversity of narrative styles from companies. With numerous holidays approaching, don’t rely on a single story to entice customers; instead, consider various perspectives that appeal to various interests.

Achieving Variation With Creative Automation

As you might expect, responding to all of these different needs is impossible to do manually. Your creative resources or funds as a marketer aren’t rising fast enough to keep up with the increased demand for content. It results in a content gap, which is the difference between the amount of creativity a business may need to convert customers and the available resources to develop it.

How Can Businesses Resolve This Challenge?

There is a new type of software that aims to fill the content void.
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It’s called Creative Automation, and companies like Tech2Globe can help businesses use it in their creative process.

Creative automation enables organizations to quickly transition to eCommerce to set up a new line of creative materials, iterate old campaigns, reuse assets, and expand the products across other channels like email and social media.

By allowing marketers to design and personalize their templates, creative automation software allows them to fulfill the volume needs that many eCommerce firms face quickly. Combining this with a content feed allows brands to store information about product photos, messaging strategies, language versions, and many more. In-house creative teams can produce large amounts of material by separating data from design.


Tech2Globe recognizes that many firms are unfamiliar with this territory. However, because e-commerce is a never-ending moving train, you must embrace the culture as soon as possible. If you lack the necessary skills or do not have a creative team, you don’t have to worry about this issue. You can always employ the Tech2Globe team to assist you. They will assist you in establishing your e-commerce business and help you achieve the much-needed creative variety.