Images are an essential aspect of the modern web in today’s world. Because it is a global language that communicates better than words, it aids in user engagement. Images are also more remembered than words and are processed by the brain more quickly. According to a study, individuals remember 80% of what they see, such as visuals. But they only remember 20% of what they read, such as textual content. The Drupal Image API Optimize module can help with this process.

Images account for over 64% of a website’s total weight on average. If you ignore picture optimization, you risk losing potential clients since your website, though immersive, may take too long to load. As a result, employing optimized photos is critical for a website. On the other hand, image optimization might be a headache for a content editor who uses external programs and uploads hundreds of photographs. We will discuss this issue in more detail, including how to utilize the Drupal ImageAPI Optimize to automate picture optimization.

What is Image Optimization?

Image optimization delivers high-quality photos in the appropriate format, dimension, size, and resolution without sacrificing image quality. Drupal ImageAPI Optimize lets you use your favorite toolkit to optimize an image after you save the image. The size reduction varies depending on the original image. However, it is usually between 10 and 30 KB if you did not optimize the image previously. 

Lossless optimizations are beneficial throughout, although it eliminates the metadata. Tech2Globe can assist you in shrinking the size of your photographs without sacrificing image quality or other critical considerations to you and your users.

What are the benefits of using Image API Optimize?

Images can hold significantly more information than is required for a presentation. For those photos, Drupal ImageAPI Optimize will give optimization. This module provides integrations with optimization tools and web services. It specifies the pipelines that consist of programmable processors. Various processors, such as ImageAPI Optimize Binaries, ImageAPI Optimize Tinypng, ImageAPI Optimize Re-Smushit, and Kraken, are accessible as contributed modules. You can use each pipeline to remove superfluous metadata or recompress a picture. Optimizing your photos has numerous advantages, ranging from faster load times and better conversions to lower expenses and improved SEO performance.

Installing Drupal Image API Optimize

Step 1: Using composer, download the ImageAPI Optimize and ImageAPI Optimize modules. Optimize reSmush using the ImageAPI. You can use it to integrate a web service that would give a free API for high-quality picture optimization.

Step 2: Using Drush or the Drupal UI, enable the downloaded module.

How to Automate Image Optimization Using Drupal Image API Optimize

Creating an Image API Optimize pipeline:

Let us start by building a pipeline that you can use to optimize photos throughout the entire site. Go to Administration >> Configuration >> Media >> Image Optimize Pipeline to get started.

Configuring the pipeline’s installed processor:

Now we’ll set up the installed processor to work with the pipeline we just built. Go to Administration >> Configuration >> Media >> Image Optimize Pipeline >> Your Pipeline and then to Administration >> Configuration >> Media >> Image Optimize Pipeline >> Your Pipeline. Now you can adjust the pipeline and choose the processor you want to use.

Allow image styles to utilize the pipelines:

By default, Drupal ImageAPI Optimize optimizes all of the basic image styles. Go to Administration >> Configuration >> Media >> Image Styles >> Your Image Styles to add new image styles. Edit the picture styles and choose the pipeline you’ve made.


The Drupal ImageAPI Optimize module offers excellent compression without sacrificing quality. You can compress the images up to 70% with this method without any loss.  It’s a reality that the average web page continues to grow in size. You can attribute it to the increasing prominence of visuals. Why do beauty and speed have to be mutually exclusive? It’s high time to put this in the right place. Tech2Globe can assist you in achieving perfection with image optimization.

We provide the best services for image optimization. You’ll gain in terms of performance, user experience, and even SEO by using lighter pictures. Tech2Globe will assist you in automatically optimizing your photographs. Their services will assist you in reducing the size of your photographs while maintaining their quality. Your photographs will remain stunning. Hire their services today to help your business grow without any speed bumps.