A lot of us are comprehending the advantages of diversity, whether it be through selling on many platforms such as Amazon, Walmart, Shopify, etc., or through selling in different Amazon markets like the US, Canada, German, etc. As a result, if you are reducing your risk by selling on different Amazon marketplaces, pay attention to what we have to say.

The importance of customizing your ad for the online marketplace where you are selling is something we want to emphasize today. You might be the best-selling product in the US market where you sell your goods. Using identical content in a new market, though, will not guarantee your accomplishment. Indeed, you can miss out on a lot of fresh opportunities.

What More?

How does one go about upgrading their listing for a marketplace, and why can’t we utilize the same listing language or visuals across other Amazon marketplaces?

Here As Amazon listing optimization company Let’s use an example from the actual world (for your better understanding)! For the purposes of this blog, we’ll be utilizing the apple cider vinegar gummies from the Goli company. As supplements are a rather difficult category to sell in, we’ll also provide you advice on how to create and maintain a listing for them as the process goes along.

Different Countries Have Distinctive Laws

Different Countries Have Distinctive Laws

First off, the legal requirements for selling supplements in the US and Canada are very different. The first distinction to be drawn is based on labeling. If you are selling in the Canadian market, your product labels should be in both English and French. In the US, your label might only be in English.

Since the labeling will be fundamentally different between the two countries, the product you are selling on Amazon.com cannot be offer on Amazon.ca in its current form. There will be extra production costs because the product needs to have numerous labels printed on it for the different markets.

Which Supplement Sales Techniques Are The Best?

One great suggestion is to obtain GMP certification before selling supplements. Some brands undergo audits, and the audit simply offers your customers more confidence in your brand’s dependability. The FDA is in charge of regulating drugs in the US, while the CFIA is in charge of regulating drugs in Canada.

If you are selling in the US, it is a good idea to include an FDA warning in your listing details. Even while it is commonly know that supplements are not FDA regulated, some consumers may not be aware of this. Thus it is always a good idea to utilize your listing to clearly define your customer expectations. This will assist you in preventing bad reviews and giving the impression that you are in the business of selling supplements.

What Is Forbidden In This?

In the dietary supplement industry, selling is exceedingly challenging. Your content and text in photos need to be written with more care. It is not acceptable to make structural or functional claims, such as using the words “prevents,” “cure,” or “eliminates.” Instead, use words like “enhances immunity” or “improves gut health.” In particular, after covid, statements that products are antimicrobial and antifungal are also forbidden. This is evident in both the American and Canadian markets.

What Transpires After A Listing Is Flagged?

Given how challenging it is to sell products in this area, it is imperative to be ready for any errors you may make along the way. If your listing is ever flagged, delete all frontend and backend material from it, then upload an empty listing in its place. 

What Are Purchasers Looking For?

Let’s take a step back and think about what our customers are looking for in order to fully optimize our listings. One thing to bear in mind in Amazon listing Optimization is that customers seeking supplements want to know the outcomes of scientific research or the benefits of that particular supplement, as opposed to customers looking for things like backpacks. When people begin purchasing, they typically have little knowledge about the advantages or suitability of a product. Because learning is a part of the search process, be sure to provide them with that knowledge as well and include it in the A+ material where you have more room.


For more useful information regarding this topic, you can consult for Amazon Optimization Services  From our experts at Tech2Globe Amazon.