Companies around the world have announced remote work facility for Employees to ensure their safety
Started from the Wuhan City of China in December 2019, now it has continuously spread all over the globe and affects more than 200 countries. The situation is getting worse day-by-day and many government bodies have announced the lockdown state completely.
As due to COVID-19 is spreading frequently, forcing many companies to shut down their office hours and introduced the “Work from Home” policy. Google, Apple, Facebook, and even Tech2Globe are such companies who already rolled out “work from home” facility to prevent the spread of the virus and protect their Employees.
Why Work From Home Policy Needed?
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has officially been categorized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic, meaning infection is accelerating in multiple countries concurrently. And, according to the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)” the main reason for spread the virus is from person-to-person;
- Between people who are in close contact with one another.
- Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
Read from here: How COVID-19 Spreads
So, it is more to maintain social distancing as our maximum employees used metro’s and buses to present in the office. That’s why Tech2Globe’s Management (and worldwide companies) introduced work from home policy.
We have already started taken some steps to maintain a safe workplace and protect our employees from getting infectious by distributing Hand Sanitizers, Face Masks to all and check regular body temperature as well as advice from the medical expert.
Also, Tech2Globe’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), Mr. Harpreet Singh Sethi shared his words:
“We have taken this step to ensure you all are safe so does your family.
We request support from everyone in this planning. Now, health should be a priority for everyone so do not have a second thought so please make sure you guys stay at home and work efficiently. This is a tough time for everyone across the globe and we need to come over it. Once this phase will pass, we will come out even stronger.
Take care guys and stay safe!”
Our Practices When Creating Work From Home Program
Tech2Globe introduces a work from the home program that should create specific guidelines to ensure all employees understand what is required from them when they work remotely. However, remote working is probably limited to a few, when work can be performed from home, there is a range of things that business to consider as the workplace expands.
We’ve found the list of things, here are some items to consider when implementing a work-from-home policy.
Measure the Resources, Policies & Expense Reimbursement
- Review existing resources, applicable policies, and customer agreements to determine if remote work is feasible, prudent, and contractually permissible.
- Create a proper plan for resources, communication ways, expense reimbursement, etc.
- Stay on top of developments and plans may need to be changed.
- Provide secure Systems & Laptops to our Employees to work efficiently.
Check Internet Connectivity & Speed
- Measure the proper Internet Connectivity at every Employee place.
- If occur any internet issue, the company takes the responsibility to work efficiently without any hindrance.
- We also calculate employee’s extra expenses related to the internet and connectivity that will be reimbursed.
- We monitor the internet speed and If need to increase or double the internet speed we will ready to support them.
Build Virtual Network for Communicate & Meetings
- Ensure critical lines of communication between management and the employees.
- Provide employee system access to operate and easily communicate.
- Outline best practices for maintaining a safe “workspace”.
- Build regular meetings, proper communication channels and support each other.
Provide 24/7 IT Team Support
- IT team always ready to address employee’s equipment issues.
- Solve systems error and set up to work from home by the availability of 24/7.
- Use proper channels to solve issues on calls (video & voice) and by visiting the employee’s place.
- Be understanding and solution-oriented.