During the prevailing pandemic situation, both small and large firms are struggling to enhance their sales. Whether it is a simple static site or a dynamic one, the current lockdown situation affects all. The common problem which is being faced by these is in generating leads for their websites. The main reason behind their websites not generating leads is that while purchasing the site, they select it based on the price without bothering about what they will get from it as a return in the future. Every business person should consider their website as an investment.

Here are some of the reasons why the websites are not generating leads during the pandemic situation:

Lack of Visibility – 

One of the most common reasons behind the site not generating leads is a lack of visibility or meager viewers. The lack of clarity is due to the non-appearance of the site in the top pages of search engines like Google or Bing. People who already know about the business or who have the business card only know about the company, and only go to the website, which is very few.

That’s why the site is not enhancing sales.

As a business owner, if you want to drive traffic to your websites, you must opt-in for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so that your website will appear among the top pages when someone finds related business. Digital marketing services include SEO, pay per click, and social media marketing services.

Unprofessional or Lacking Portfolio Photos – 

A website is the first impression of the business, and many users judge the versatility of the market based on their websites. But still, many companies don’t make their websites seriously and do not put much effort into it to make it advanced. There are many cases where the website is ranked on the top page of the search engine and has a good number of viewers of the site, but still, it lags in generating leads. It is because of the unprofessional photographs on the portfolio. Some people capture the photo of whatever their business is about by their phone and directly upload it to their website, which in turn fetches customers a loss.

Every business person should keep a well-trained photographer who can nicely click and edit the picture to upload it on the website and making it attractive for the viewers.

Lack of Call-to-Action Feature – 

In almost every website, there is a specific section where there are the business’s contact information and details on how to reach out to them. Still, the UI of the website should be user-friendly and easily understandable.

Visitors should not struggle to find what they are looking for in your business.

The Call – to- action should be set up on the website so that visitor can either fill out a simple form and get an immediate call back from the company or there should be a click-to-call feature enabled in the contact detail so that the visitor could click on the contact number and make a call or click on email id. It should take him to the emailing page directly.

Misaligned Content – 

These days, customers start to research everything they are planning to purchase in the future to get a brief idea about the product, estimate the cost, and compare the offers of different websites. So, the business owner or the website should not think that they will share the details with the customers after they contact them. Instead, there should be every detail of the products listed on their website to generate better leads. Content Marketing is an essential strategy to increase brand awareness

Lack of Attention – 

The main reason behind a website not generating leads is the lack of attention. Many business owners get their website functional, leave it, and expect it to give them a considerable amount of sales.

To generate better leads, the business owner always has to keep a keen eye on the website, get it frequently tested, and keep comparing with the market.

Conclusion – 

We have always heard that great things take time. Didn’t we? So, a business owner should be patient and always try to make their website better. They need to figure out where they are lagging behind and what is preventing the website from generating better leads.

Once a businessman figures out the flaw in the workflow, it would be easy to develop better solutions for high sales.