1. Detailed Personal and Corporate profile

Personal profile is the way to present yourself in front of the people. A 100% completion profile shows your seriousness towards your work. If your profile not completed as much, it shows you are not getting ready to explore more. Complete your profile with genuine things, don’t lie about you and your skills.

Always show your Education and Interest details, it shows how educated and up-to-date are you?

Don’t forget to fill your Experience details, people hire you according to your experience that how much experience you gain and in which field. Experience is the main factor to attract more LinkedIn profiles.

     2. Fill your Company’s detail Page with 100% completion

LinkedIn is the best platform to connect the genuine people and offer them sufficient services. Create a company’s page on LinkedIn. Firstly, you just have to click on Work Icon and select “Create a Company Page” and put your company page name, description of your company, establishment date, skills, preferred industry, give your company website URL then click the verification box and click on Create Page button.

If someone checking out your company’s profile so, it will increase the chance of hire you. Complete all the details of your company with contact info, add attractive logo, profile pic, upload a banner, company’s bio or preferred industry, company type and all the smallest things with clear to end points.

   3. Get a Job or Hire Man Power

Through LinkedIn you can easily Hire man power or get a productive job.

HIRING AN EMPLOYEE– You can hire your future employee through linkedin. Post a job on LinkedIn:-

  • By just click on the work icon and click Post a job but make sure if you are a company recruiter then you need to a page of your company to post a job.
  • Provide all the details about the company name, location and industry.
  • Completely fill the job title and job description and post it.

APPLY FOR JOB– Do you want to apply for a genuine job through LinkedIn? Here is the best tips for apply a productive job.

  • You have to go to the job section which is show on the top of your LinkedIn profile’s homepage and click on search bar with job title, company name or keywords, like- if you are searching a job in marketing then the keywords is “Marketing firms”, “Marketing job” or “Marketing” and select your job’s location. You can also use some filters to get better results.

  4. Daily Updating Content

Always Content is targeting to your audience. Daily posting content shows that you are an active user and you are more passionate to your job. Make something interesting content that people like, share or comment on it. Use common related problems according to your business genre, which is related to the people, you can research on this and give them a best solutions in the form of your services but in a clever way.

Daily posting through your professional linkedin profile and corporate linkedin page. And, you can also share professional news or events and make articles on some topics and share on it. You can share blog as well but something interesting which helps to enhance your brand but firstly, you have to research on it and choose wisely.

  5. Join Groups for sharing thoughts

Next step to join groups for sharing your thoughts, ideas and services with people. But you have to find right group and make a right strategy for target the audience. You have to know your and your company’s strength, purpose and skills, search groups according to your need.

Search groups with Keywords, if you have a software development business or you are searching a job in software development then you have to use keywords related to software like- software developing firms, outsource software development, software developing services and many. You just have to research on this and send a join request. Participate in the discussions and pitch your services but not in the direct way. With your answers, give them a better options.

  6. Send Connections request

Build more and more connections on LinkedIn is beneficial for you and your company! Really? Off course Not. More connections means people are familiar to your services but not in an effective way.

There is very low probability to select you and your services.

Send invites strategically and target those people whom background related to your company or business. Again, you have to use Keywords for target the right audience. Make an attractive note of your services and send it with invitation to increase the chance of accept your connection request. This activity will help to you to promote your business to the next level.

 7. Be Kindhearted and Positive

If you want to people follow your profile, like or comment on your posts, you have to do the same. Do not wait for others to be kindhearted to you, you should take the first step to show love with likes or comments on their post and follow them. They will also revert you back.

LinkedIn is a powerful platform of professional people to share thoughts, to build professional connections, to offers various services, to share blogs or articles, to post or get productive jobs. Many Individual build their business or clients through LinkedIn. Don’t be miscalculate the power of LinkedIn.