Summary: Google Ads are helping different industries, including e-commerce, real estate, healthcare, education, and finance, to sell their products and services and gain traffic. Learn how much lead generation campaigns contribute to the success of the top 10 industries. Additionally, check out the end of the blog, where we’ve answered some common questions for you.


Google Ads is seen as a powerful tool for lead generation advertising by businesses in many fields. With over 8 billion searches on Google every day, you have numerous chances to reach and convert your ideal customers. 

According to recent data, Google Ads has an average conversion rate of 4.8%, which makes it a good way to get leads. One industry that has seen significant success with Google Ads is real estate. These ads help real estate agents and brokers looking to attract potential Google real estate leads

Not only the real estate industry but nine other industries have also benefited from PPC services. Let’s discuss each one in detail. 

1. Real Estate

With PPC ads in Google search, the real estate sector boasts a conversion rate of 4.40%—above the average of all industries at 2.70%. Real estate agents, teams, and brokerages all find a common method for creating leads online—Google Ads.  Google real estate leads help attract potential buyers.

Moreover, having mastered the art to increase leads from GMB, real estate agents target keywords like “homes for sale” or “real estate agents near me,” to reach people actively searching for properties. 

2. E-commerce

 Second on our list of “top industries using Google Ads for lead gen” is ecommerce.

Google Ads helps e-commerce companies target active consumers looking for products, increasing high-intensity traffic to their websites. Key strategies include:

  • using well-optimized product listings, 
  • targeting relevant keywords and 
  • utilizing Google’s shopping ads 

Furthermore, the average e-commerce conversion rate is currently around 2.5% to 3.0%. Targeting high-intent consumers, Google Ads can enable online retailers to surpass this average.

3. Healthcare

For lead generation advertising, Google Ads offers impressive results for the healthcare industry. 

Specifically, did you know that 6.11 percent of people who see ads about health care click on them? This emphasizes how well Google Ads may grab the audience’s interest.

Furthermore, healthcare marketers understand why this platform is essential for generating leads since they allocate 85% of their budget to Google Ads and over 180 million monthly impressions.

4. Education 

Targeted advertising is one of Google Ads’ most significant advantages for the education sector. Also, AdWords lets educational institutions target particular keywords, demographics, and locations, facilitating access to the target audience—parents, teachers, and future students.

Additionally, the average cost per click (CPC) for Google Ads search advertising in the United States’ online education sector was $9.35 last year. 

5. Travel & Tourism

The travel and tourism sector is one of the main sectors that use Google Ads and significantly contributes to Google’s income.

Unbelievably, this industry alone brings in Google’s $2.4 billion annual income. In fact, top online travel companies, including Booking Holdings and Expedia Group, paid Google Ads roughly $3.2 billion and $2.3 billion in 2023.

Consequently, travel and hospitality companies can generate qualified website leads by targeting consumers with particular travel-related keywords.

6. Automotive

The automotive sector mainly uses Google Ads, so lead generation advertising is more successful than ever. For example, Google Vehicle Ads allows automakers to show their whole inventory to possible consumers based on their search activity. This platform is not only for vehicles, though—sellers of tools, accessories, and automotive parts are also using it. 

Automotive digital ad spending rose by 11.7% in 2023, and analysts think this trend will continue to grow. Therefore, reaching a car-loving audience and generating effective leads depend on Google Ads, which are necessary.

7. Professional Services

Google Ads is a great way for professional services like law and consulting to find new clients. Indeed, prospective clients often Google for solutions if you offer specialized knowledge or skills. You can build trust by writing targeted ads that address potential clients’ issues.

Moreover, Google Ads lets you customize your messages to reach the right people, whether trying to get people to know about your law firm’s personal injury cases or its financial planning services. Additionally, giving leads free consultations or useful resources can encourage them to contact you. If you are a professional service provider, you need to have a solid online presence. Google Ads can be a big part of that.

8. Home Services 

Yes, it might be surprising, but home service businesses, from plumbers to electricians, also use Google Ads to reach users who need their services.

These businesses effectively use a lead generation campaign with Google Ads to attract more clients. The average click-through rate (CTR) for home services search ads stands at 4.80%, but it varies by sub-category—plumbing hits a low of 3.34%, while construction and general contractors enjoy a high of 6.25%.

Moreover, Google Home Service Ads can help people who are looking for home services find groups that can help them. If a business doesn’t match the search criteria, Google will show the person a better Local Service Ad.

9. Financial Service

The financial services industry is ramping up its investment in Google Ads, with digital ad spend projected to rise by 10% in 2024 and 11% in 2025. Here, these services increase leads from GMB (Google My Business). 

Interestingly, as of August 2024, the average click-through rate (CTR) for software companies that help with financial services was 5.07%. To stand out, you also need a well-thought-out campaign strategy:

  • Firstly, pay close attention to targeting specific keywords for relevance.
  • Secondly, create groups of people whose financial needs are similar to each other.
  • Lastly, make ads that are interesting and have clear calls to action.

10. Software and Technology

The software and technology sectors are expanding, and many new businesses are presenting creative ideas. Thus, this ecosystem depends on Google Ads to attract consumers seeking software or IT solutions.

Using Google Ads means focusing on keywords connected to technological solutions so that your ads find users actively looking for similar products. Highlighting features, benefits, and user testimonies will help leads become consumers. 

Among SaaS companies with $130 million in Google Ads spent in 2022, Adobe led the way, followed by IBM and WordStream with $85.7 million and $80.4 million, respectively. Therefore, for SaaS companies, encouraging free trials or demos through Google Ads helps showcase your product and maintain a strong online presence.


As you learn more about Google Ads, remember that your ads should meet the needs of your audience. By outsourcing the right PPC services, you can get good leads for your business. 

Does this information help you? If so, please follow us to get more information about Google and Amazon PPC services and stay updated. 

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs

Q. How to increase leads from GMB (Google My Business)?

A. The common yet most important ways to increase leads from GMB are:

  • Get your Google Business profile and make sure it’s real. 
  • Fill out your business information. 
  • Make your business description better. 
  • Add Videos and Photos of Good Quality.

Q. Does Google provide real estate leads?

A. Yes, Google has a number of tools that can help real estate agents find new clients, such as 

  • Google Real Estate Lead Generation Program
  • Google Ads
  • Property portals

Q. What is an example of a lead generation campaign?

A. A few example of lead generation campaign are:

  • Creating valuable content 
  • Offering incentives (discounts or free trials)
  • Optimizing landing pages for conversions
  • Leveraging email marketing campaigns

Q. Which industry uses Google Ads the most?

A. Retail, travel and tourism, job training and education, and car dealerships are some of the most common types of businesses that use Google Ads.

Q. Who is the biggest competitor of Google Ads?

A. Bing is one of Google’s main competitors for ads. It has been around since 2009, when Microsoft merged several of its search engines into one. Moreover, paid search ads show up on the search engine results pages of both Google and Bing.